Monthly Archives: April, 2017

Prepare Your Visit to a Heart Disease Expert


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in many countries. Besides the general practitioner, the cardiologist follows certain patients called at risk. Based on increasingly precise examinations and an increasingly effective therapeutic arsenal, this specialist takes your health very seriously.

1 – What is cardiology?

Cardiology involves the study of the functioning of the cardiovascular system (heart and vessels) and the diseases that affect it.

2 – What diseases are treated by the best cardiac hospital in India?

There are many cardiovascular diseases. Without claiming to be exhaustive, the following may be mentioned: hypercholesterolemia, heart failure, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction, pericarditis, endocarditis, pulmonary embolism, rhythm disorders and others

3 – When to consult cardiac hospital in Delhi?

After having consulted your general practitioner, the latter may be able to refer you to a cardiologist. In this case, only, the consultation with the specialist will be reimbursed.

4 – Who are the most at risk?

Fight Against Cancer

Elderly people, smokers or people with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes are more likely than others to have heart disease. Sedentariness and overweight are also on the list of risk factors, as well as a family history of cholesterol or myocardial infarction.

5 – Prepare your visit to best cardiac hospital in India:

Family history: Identify, who in your family was affected by a cardiovascular event, be it cardiac or cerebral (stroke) and at what age;

Personal data: bring your blood tests Continue reading →

Eye Surgeries- Important Things to Know


Refractive surgery is an intervention that is considered for the correction of many visual defects. Eye surgeries are critical, and therefore, it is important to look for best eye surgeons rather than picking up any random services. What are the common eye surgeries and what are the common surgery charges for each of them- we are going to discuss the same!

Approximately 100,000 people use refractive surgery every year to correct their vision. The operation consists of modifying the topography of the cornea using an excimer laser after removing the upper layer. The entire duration of the surgery is approximately 30 minutes and does not require hospitalization.

Most of the visual defects are now Continue reading →

Prepare Your Visit to a Heart Disease Expert

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in many countries. Besides the general practitioner, the cardiologist follows certain patients called at risk. Based on increasingly precise examinations and an increasingly effective therapeutic arsenal, this specialist takes your health very seriously.

1 – What is cardiology?

Cardiology involves the study of the functioning of the cardiovascular system (heart and vessels) and the diseases that affect it.

2 – What diseases are treated by the best cardiac hospital in India?

There are many cardiovascular diseases. Without claiming to be exhaustive, the following may be mentioned: hypercholesterolemia, heart Continue reading →

Heart Diseases- Choose nothing less than best for Treatment


Choosing the best heart hospital can be a stressful situation, as you want the best possible care available for this vital organ. Although location and costs are important, other factors may carry more weight in your decision. These include the experience of the cardiology team, the technological equipment used during surgery and treatment, and the reputation of the hospital in other patients. Cost and location are usually the first factors to consider when choosing a hospital.

Your medical insurance can refine your choice by dictating the best cardiac surgery hospital that cover your network. It is a good idea to choose a hospital relatively close to your home to minimize travel. In some cases, however, the best cardiac hospitals in India may not be close to your home so you may need to make arrangements for you and your family to stay close to the facility during your treatment. The levels of the private cardiology specialist and the cardiology team as a whole experience are important factors to consider when choosing a heart hospital.

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While the cardiology specialist will make the majority of decisions regarding your treatment, the rest of is also essential for the execution of these decisions. Look for a team that works together for more than Continue reading →

Liver Cancer- the Phases and Treatment options in India


In liver cancer, the degree of deterioration of liver function, the number of tumor nodules and the functional possibilities (depending on whether or not liver tissue is normal) decide the ability to perform local treatment with curative intent is much more important.

Liver cancer is of two types- primary and secondary. In the first case, it is self-malignancy in the liver; the second is the case of metastases. As with most tumors, the TNM classification also exists for liver cancer but is not useful in clinical practice because it only reflects the size of the primary tumor, the presence of nodal infiltration and the presence of metastatic disease or distance.

As diagnostic methods for detecting and liver cancer treatmentat oncology clinics conducted a variety of tests using innovative technologies. In many cases of liver cancer diagnosis is difficult, especially in the early stages and requires multiple checks including ultrasound, radioisotope scan, CT, MRI and other computer Continue reading →