Monthly Archives: September, 2017

How to Check The Heart Diseases?

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are among the most dangerous and most common diseases. Therefore, many people have a question: how to check the heart and blood vessels, in time to identify the signs of dangerous violations? Diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system is handled by best cardiac surgery hospital, who after an initial examination and consultation makes up an individual analysis program.

Methods of diagnosis of the heart and blood vessels at best cardiac surgery hospital

To check the heart, the cardiologist should compile an individual examination program

If you talk about what tests you need to pass to check your heart, first of all, patients are assigned a general and biochemical blood test, determination of cholesterol level and, if necessary, markers of myocardial damage. Also, the best cardiac hospital prescribes instrumental methods of examination.

  • Electrocardiography (ECG) – with the help of a unique device, the electrical activity of the heart is recorded. According to the results of the study, the doctor can assume the presence of various cardiac disorders. In addition to ECG, Holter monitoring is also used – long-term cardiac recording;
  • Bicycle ergometry – examination of the heart under the load, in which the patient is engaged in cycling with simultaneous ECG;
  • Echocardiography – ultrasound examination of the heart, which allows you to visualize the organ and get an idea of ​​the violations;
  • Coronary angiography is a highly informative X-ray examination of coronary vessels using a contrast medium;
  • Computer and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI) with the introduction of contrast medium – the data of the study are prescribed in rare cases when difficulties arise in the formulation of an accurate diagnosis;
  • Scintigraphy of the myocardium is a radioisotope method of examining the cardiac muscle.

How to properly check the heart of a child?

Regular examination of the heart to identify violations is necessary not only for adults but also for children of any age. Methods of studying the cardiovascular system in small patients are no different from those used for adults. The main diagnostic techniques are ECG and Echo-CG.

Heart disease in a crumb can be suspected even before the instrumental diagnosis for some symptoms: heart murmur when listening, slow weight gain, delayed development, respiratory disorders, and tachycardia. If such symptoms are found, the child should be shown to the pediatric best cardiac hospital.

At detection of pathological signs, it is necessary to address urgently to the doctor. Precise diagnosis of heart disease at home is impossible!

Control of symptoms: you need to pay attention to any symptoms of cardiac diseases (chest pains, shortness of breath, frequent dizziness and fainting, more or less feverish conditions, tachycardia).

A number of conditions can adversely affect the health of the heart and blood vessels. One of them is sleep apnea – a disease characterized by a sudden stop of breathing during sleep on the background of snoring. Many people are not serious about apnea, which is completely in vain because its presence can not only point to heart disease but also provoke them. As the statistics show, snoring and sleep, apnea is observed in the majority of patients with stroke, myocardial infarction, and heart failure.

Proper Eye Care is Must During Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the ocular surface and the interior of the eyelids) caused by an excessive response of our organism to external agents (allergens) and affects 25% of the general population.


The conjunctiva contains small blood vessels, produces oils and mucosa so that the surface of the eye is moist and protected. When the conjunctiva is swollen or irritated, the blood vessels present in the eye tend to become larger and prominent, so your eyes become red.

It can occur alone or accompanied by other Continue reading →

Did You Know That Makeup can Affect Your Visual Health?

The eye is a very delicate structure that is almost continuously exposed to the environment and needs to maintain an excellent transparency to allow a correct vision.

Currently, due to our standard of living, the eye suffers from a multitude of external aggressions that produce discomfort, blurred vision, eye pain and endless symptoms that worsen our quality of life: air conditioning, heating, many hours in front of the computer or consoles, and badly worn contact lenses. One of these factors is periocular makeup (makeup around eyes).

We know that makeup is a cosmetic aid for people, especially women, who want to look better or cover imperfections on their face. But in recent years this has become a concern for eye care hospital in Delhi NCR and dermatologists since many people have allergies and permanent damage due to excessive use of it.

All products that you use in your daily life should be easy to remove and not cause any allergies, blemishes or irritation. If this happens, stop wearing makeup and make an appointment with eye care hospital in Delhi NCR.

Special attention

Eye makeup is not a “high watering” action, but we do have to keep in mind that the eye and the area around it are very delicate, so we must take special care in:

The eyelids: their skin is very fine and delicate. Also, they are the sebaceous glands that protect the surface of the eye. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the product away from the eye and outside the birth line of the eyelashes.

The cornea: Eyebrows and profilers with glitter, metal or powder can irritate, and even the cornea just falls into the eye and is not removed carefully. In turn, you have to be careful with the tip of the eye pencils and the applicator of eyelash masks that can scrape the cornea. Makeup removers with alcohol may also be harmful to the cornea.

Tips to take care of your makeup.

It is essential to take care of our makeup products, here best eye care hospital gives you some suggestions to take into account:

  • Use only dermatologically certified makeup of high quality.
  • If you are allergic to cosmetics, look for in the market brands made with natural products.
  • Be sure to read the base components of your makeup.
  • Always keep makeup in a separate compartment, so it is insulated from contamination.

With contact lenses, more care

Those who wear contact lenses should take special care when applying makeup because they must prevent product particles from getting between the lens and the cornea.

For this reason, it is recommended to place the contact lens with clean eyes and before makeup. Of course, in all this process it is necessary to have clean hands.

The makeup is personal.

Never lend your makeup to anyone, this can cause transmission of eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, which can become severe and irreversible for your visual health.

If you have an internal or external infection in the eye, it is best to stop using makeup and throw it out as this may be causing your infection.

Diseases that can be caused.

  • Irritations
  • Infections
  • Mushrooms
  • Dermatitis
  • Cysts around the eyelashes
  • Footprints
  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Conjunctivitis

Rehabilitation of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases

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Severe heart or vascular disease permanently dislodge a person from the established track of life, reduces his physical abilities, undermines his will, and changes his psyche. Recovery or rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is designed to return patients to a normal quality of life.

Where is the rehabilitation?

Experts of the World Health Organization divided the entire recovery process into three understandable phases:

Hospital passes in the conditions of a cardiac hospital in Delhi. The patient is provided with the necessary treatment Continue reading →

Learn About All Hair Transplants


Hair-Transplant-Specialists-in-MumbaiThe lack of hair looms some negative factors, among them we can find emotional and unsightly. Thanks to medicine, technology, and its advances, people with baldness problems can cope with their suffering through the application of different hair transplant techniques that are present today. So much has been its innovation that we can now find ourselves with painless treatments and natural results. However, you have to know which is the most appropriate to your needs and know what each of them consists of:

Who are the best candidates?

Not at all, all people with baldness are perfect candidates to apply any transplant technique. Commonly we can notice more this type of suffering in the masculine sex, especially in the area of the crown and what is known like “the entrances of the intelligence.”

As a rule, hair loss begins to rebel from the age of 30, however, at the age of 60 is very common this type of loss in both men and women.

Why have a transplant?

It is known that baldness is genetic, it is a Continue reading →

Heart Disease in Pregnant Women

Cardiovascular disease in pregnant women requires careful observation

Pregnancy is a difficult time for the female body, even when it flows well and is well tolerated. Significant fluctuations in the level of hormones, physiological suppression of immunity, changes in the work of entirely all organs and systems – all this make the future mother’s body more vulnerable to a variety of diseases. The situation is even tenser, if before pregnancy, a woman already had some illness. They often become addicted to exacerbations complicated by the course, and as a result, the whole waiting period for the child requires constant and thorough medical support.

Very severe cases when pregnancy occurs against the background of existing heart diseases. Some of them give the woman the opportunity to bear and give birth; some do not. About heart diseases in pregnant women, you will learn from this article.

How is pregnancy in patients with heart disease?

If a woman has any cardiovascular disease, she must, before planning the pregnancy, consult best cardiac hospital in Delhi about the possibility of procreation. Patients planning to have children are treated to achieve the maximum degree of compensation, that is, the best objective condition and Continue reading →

What and What Not You Can Do During Heart Diseases and Treatment?

The treatment of cardiovascular diseases is a constant task. Sometimes patients have to lie in the hospital, but most of the time they are treated themselves, taking medication prescribed by the doctor. Unfortunately, in some cases, the independent efforts of patients and is limited to taking medication. People do not understand the need to follow certain lifestyle rules. They do not know how to divide things and actions into “it is possible,” “necessary” and “absolutely impossible.” In many cases, this is the basis of neglect of diet, unwillingness to exercise and other typical mistakes. Let’s avoid these errors together!




All patients with heart disease need to supplement the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber (bran), vegetable oils. At least two times a week there is fish. We welcome the consumption of fish oil as a food supplement, as well as the intake of dietary supplements containing omega-polyunsaturated fatty acids. This diet contributes to reducing blood cholesterol and slowing Continue reading →

Kidney Disease and Kidney Treatment Experts


The kidneys have many functions in the body. The two most important are to eliminate toxic products from the body through the production of urine, and produce hormones.

However, the kidney may suffer from various diseases. The most dangerous of course is when the functions of the kidneys are irreversibly altered in case of chronic renal failure.

The kidneys may be affected by a variety of inflammatory, infectious (such as pyelonephritis), metabolic (such as renal calculus), toxic (medication involvement), or tumor (benign or cancer) disorders.

Serious problems can occur suddenly, with at Continue reading →

How to Book an Online Appointment With a Doctor Online?

Wandering hours on the Internet resources, questions from friends and acquaintances, countless phone calls, constant waiting, queues, traffic jams, dead nerve cells and many other things that are not just not mentioned here.With all this had to face many people who needed to find a doctor and make an appointment with him at the reception. In this article, we’ll are going to discuss how to avoid these and other unnecessary actions when searching for a specialist.

Because of poor service in public clinics and a huge number of private companies providing medical services, we often just get confused and do not get to see a doctor. Do I need to talk about the possible consequences? Services like Dr. BB helps you to be healthy and connect you to the top Hospitals in Delhi Ncr.

  1. Looking for a doctor

Find doctors in Delhi and booking an appointment at Continue reading →

Eye Condition Surgeries- Frequently Asked Questions

What are the conditions for eye surgery?

In India, you can be operated if:

  • You are over 18 years old.
  • Your visual defect has been stable for several years.
  • You do not have an eye disease or general progressive illness or untreated diseases, such as glaucoma, retinal disease, diabetes, autoimmune inflammatory disease or neurological disease.


Myopic, astigmatic or hyperopia, presbyopia are concerned. If you are short-sighted and astigmatic, the operation will correct the two problems of sight. Success and effectiveness will depend in part on the importance of the correction. Beyond a myopia of 10 diopters or a hypermetropia of more than five dioptres or an astigmatism of more than five dioptres, it will be preferable to place an implant.

In all cases, a complete examination and a preoperative assessment will be carried out. This test is painless and lasts between 1 and 2 hours; it will allow you to evaluate the results that you can expect from Continue reading →