Monthly Archives: December, 2017

The Frequent Doubts Related To Hair Transplantation and Grafting

The doubts are the protagonists of this post because we hear them every day in our practice and it is part of best hair transplant doctor in Delhi job to transform them into clear answers that bring you knowledge, tranquility, and confidence.Doubting is healthy, and all doubt should be accompanied by the correct explanation.


With these frequent doubts about hair transplantation and their respective clarifications, we want to bring you closer to the different hair transplant treatments as well as other closely related issues.

  1. In my case, does the FUSS or FUE technique advise me?

Both the FUSS technique, also known as the “strip technique,” and the FUE, the “individual extraction of follicles,” are two procedures Continue reading →

The Complications of IVF Treatment

The artificial insemination is a simple procedure that rarely leads to serious technical problems. However, it is not free of risks and may involve specific side effects.


The main complications of artificial insemination, for both donor, and partner come from the ovarian stimulation process and the response to the medication administered for it. The Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) and multiple pregnancies are the consequences that may result from artificial insemination, but with the current controls are unlikely to occur.

Advances in reproductive medicine and continuous controls largely prevent these risks, making artificial insemination a safe technique.

Risks of artificial insemination

In addition to the consequences of hormonal treatment prior to insemination, the technique itself, that is, introducing a cannula into a woman’s cervical canal, can also lead to specific risks. Although there are few occasions in which serious consequences occur, it is essential to know them:

Infections: 1.8 out of every 1,000 women inseminated artificially develop an infection. The probability of developing an infection is 0.07% per insemination cycle.

Allergies: Some allergy can develop to the components of the seminal wash, although the probabilities are tiny. Choosing best IVF specialist in India helps you avoid any form of complications and risks throughout the process.

Immunological reactions: Creation of anti-sperm antibodies in women subjected to artificial insemination. The only population of women with a particular risk is those with already existing anti-sperm antibodies. The probability is less than 5%.

As we have said, these risks, typical of the technique itself, occur with a very low frequency, which is why they are not usually a problem. However, the procedure of artificial insemination is preceded by a small ovarian stimulation, and this can pose an added risk.

Consequences of controlled ovarian stimulation

To control the time of ovulation and promote fertilization, the patient is subjected to ovarian stimulation treatment for 6-10 days.

Naturally, a woman ovulates an ovule, which leaves the ovarian follicle and waits in the fallopian tubes for the arrival of the sperm. In assisted reproduction, the woman receives hormonal medication, mainly gonadotropins, with the objective of stimulating the growth, development, and ovulation of more than one ovule.

In artificial insemination, stimulation is mild, the dose administered is low and is also carefully controlled through ultrasound and blood tests that measure the growth of the ovary. For this reason, the risk is very low, although as we have indicated, it is not null.

Problems related to pregnancy

The risks derived from pregnancy are:

Natural abortion: It is estimated that it occurs between 20-22% of cases. Most spontaneous abortions happen in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy: The probability of ectopic pregnancy after AI in children under 40 years stands at around 1.4%. In natural insemination, the likelihood is 0.8%. As we can see, the probabilities of all the problems that can be derived from this technique are low.

Multiple pregnancies: Multiple pregnancies can also occur naturally, however, as we have mentioned previously, in the case of artificial insemination, they are usually derived from the stimulation process of the ovarian cycle. The multiple pregnancy rates are close to 12%, both in spouse sperm and in donor sperm.

Symptoms of The Main Heart Diseases in Women

Emotional problems, tensions, and anxiety may increase the risk of this type of heart disease in women. Sometimes, it can be confused with other issues.

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The heart disease is a leading cause of mortality in the population. It is essential to know their symptoms, although slight, and to be able to detect them, since very often, and especially in the case of women, they develop without causing too obvious effects. For this reason, today we want to illustrate them in a clear and simple way so that you can keep them in mind.

The causes of coronary diseases can be very different depending on sex, and women are sometimes more likely to suffer from certain diseases because of their lifestyle. Also, people may perceive only a slight exhaustion, which they tend to justify the weight of the many daily commitments. But these little signs must be kept in mind, especially if you are a woman.

Heart disease in women: what symptoms can they have?

Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris occurs when the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen-rich blood.


In men it presents itself as a reasonably strong pressure in the chest, which can reach up to the arm; in women, on the other hand, it usually has different symptoms. It manifests as a burning, an indefinite pressure, located more in the neck, jaw, throat, abdomen and even the back. It is more common in woman than men.

Common symptoms of heart diseases

The most common indications that precede a heart attack is chest pain. But according to statistics, only half of women experience discomfort, pressure or discomfort in this part of the body.

It is good to take the following data into account: sometimes Continue reading →

Situations When You Need to Rush to an Eye Care Hospital

Few people visit the best eye care hospital when they feel discomfort in their eyes. Whether it is itching or burning, people tend not to give it the necessary importance by applying home remedies that can alleviate the discomfort, although in some cases these symptoms can be signs of serious problems.


The eye care team of best eye care hospital in India gives us ten reasons why every person should go for an ophthalmological examination:

Itching, watering, and secretions

If these symptoms are frequent, it means that there must be some irritation caused by allergies, temperature changes, contamination, and contact with chemical elements such as pool chlorine or makeup and in some cases cigarette smoke.

Foreign object sensation


Often, the eye releases small components that can generate Continue reading →

Prostate Cancer: Frequent Recurrences

After being treated for prostate cancer, some men see their PSA levels increase, with no other sign of recurrence of the disease. Should we start treatment before the onset of symptoms, despite significant side effects?

The first male cancer, and continually increasing prostate cancer develops from a normal cell, which is transformed and multiplies anarchically, forming a tumor. First limited in size, it can grow and extend beyond the prostate capsule, that is to say, the envelope that surrounds the prostate and separates it from neighboring tissues. But this evolution is most often very slow.


The management is based on surgery, radiotherapy (external radiotherapy and brachytherapy), active surveillance (which makes it possible to postpone the start of treatment especially for elderly patients) and hormone therapy. More rarely, chemotherapy can also be used. Finally, other techniques are being evaluated, such as high-intensity focused ultrasound and cryotherapy.

The choice of prostate cancer treatment depends on Continue reading →

Primary Liver Cancer and its Treatment

Our liver is the largest organ of our body. Located at the top right of the abdomen, it belongs to the digestive system. Its function is to store nutrients, transform carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, purify our body by destroying certain toxins and finally, it secretes enzymes and bile that facilitate the process of digestion.


The primary liver cancer differs from metastatic liver cancer. The first occurs spontaneously in the liver, while the second is cancer that originates elsewhere, and whose metastases develop in the liver.

In 80% of cases, the primary cancer of the liver is hepatocellular carcinoma (which progresses from the liver cells). More rarely, it can also be formed from the bile ducts (the channels that lead the bile, from the liver to the gallbladder). This will be a cholangiocarcinoma. Finally, the disease can also occur in the blood vessels (angiosarcoma) and the connective tissues of the liver.

Primary liver cancer affects mostly men over 60 years of age. It is estimated that around 8000 new cases occur each year, and this number has been regularly increasing over the past twenty years.

When diagnosed at an early stage, liver cancers can be treated by surgery (liver transplantation or removal of the tumor) or destroyed in situ (radio frequency). When cancer is more advanced, the treatments used are chemotherapy and targeted therapies.

The choice of the treatment of liver cancer is oriented Continue reading →

Is Atherosclerosis of The Coronary Arteries Fatal?

Atherosclerosis is a gradually developing pathological process in which cholesterol overlap occurs in the intima of arterial vessels. The formed plaques cause densification of the walls of the affected arteries and lead to a narrowing of their lumen, which adversely affects the blood flow and causes ischemia of the tissues they feed.


When the coronary arteries of the heart are affected, the myocardium suffers, which is clinically manifested by heart attacks (myocardial infarction), angina (chest pain), cardiac rhythm disturbance, heart failure and even, worst of all, can lead to a fatal outcome- sudden of death.

Sometimes the surface of the atherosclerotic plaque ruptures and a blood clot forms on it, which becomes an additional barrier in the path of blood flow. It clinically manifests itself by one of the variants of coronary heart disease. If we talk about angina pectoris or rest, the situation here is much better than with myocardial infarction since in the case of the latter irreversible changes occur, and the heart muscle dies.

Although a heart attack can happen at any time of the day, most often it develops in the interval between four and ten o’clock in the morning. This is explained by an increase in the level of adrenaline in the peripheral blood, which sometimes causes a rupture of cholesterol plaques.

You can avoid all this. For this, one must seriously approach the issue of primary prevention of atherosclerosis under the guidance of cardiac hospital in Delhi, especially for people with a family history. But, Continue reading →

How To Find the Best Doctors?

In the order of things to doubt whether the doctor treats you correctly. According to statistics, fifty percent of people at least once, but still changed the attending physician. This is good if the top Hospitals in Delhi NCR havea high-class therapist. Otherwise, you have to spend a lot of time looking for a doctor in another clinic.


If you decide to look for a doctor via the Internet, it is important to pay attention to some points.

An experience

Experience matters when it comes to finding a physician or a specialist. An experienced doctor or surgeons brings with it an increased success rate, great understanding of disease and quality treatment options.


It is important to have an objective opinion or feedback on Continue reading →

How Should I Choose a Dermatologist For My Skin?


Many people wonder how to choose a good dermatologist that is why our team has prepared a series of relevant guidelines that we mention below so that you know how to make the best decision and do not put your health at risk:

  • As far as possible, ensure that the doctor who will treat you is recommended by a relative or acquaintance. In this way, you can have the reference to a good professional.
  • If the above is not feasible, to know how to choose a good dermatologist, the patient must verify that the doctor of interest is a professional with a medical degree and that he also has a specialization in dermatology.
  • To have access to the website, where there is relevant information on each of the procedures and treatments performed by the specialist. Besides, it should be possible to consult your resume, educational and professional experience and scientific updates.
  • Once the entire process of examination and diagnosis has been completed, the specialist must be in a position to explain in detail to the patient, the treatment to which they will be subjected, clarifying the risks and any questions that may arise.


This guide will help you to know how to choose best skin specialist if you need it. Thus, it will guarantee your well-being and safety.

Follow the recommendation of a medical professional

According to the standard procedure of care, any consultation Continue reading →

Are We Failing at Preventing Heart Diseases?

  1. Why are diseases of heart still on the rise, despite the incredible increase in the number of people consuming cholesterol-lowering drugs and over 30 years of “low-fat” propaganda?
  2. The situation you describe – the increasing population of humans suffering from heart disease despite significant advances in cardiovascular medicine and a spreading emphasis on prevention – seems like a paradox. But it can be explained by different trends. These include aging population and related obesity and diabetes epidemics.

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease


Numerous studies have made it possible to identify CVD risk factors. They can be divided into two groups: factors that cannot be changed, and factors that can be influenced.

The first include sex, age, and heredity.

  • Age- After 65 years of age, the risk of CVD is significantly increased, but not equally at all. In the presence of other PD, the probability of the disease increases by 65%, in the absence of such factors – only by 4%.
  • Sex- It is known that men suffer from coronary artery disease more often and develop a disease at a younger age than women. The male sex is a CVD. It has been statistically proved that arteries not damaged by arteriosclerosis are found in only 8% of men (compared to 52% of women) aged 40 to 70 years.
  • Heredity- People who have immediate relatives suffering from CVD (especially if they underwent myocardial infarction before the age of 50) have an unfavorable heredity, and the risk of developing coronary artery disease rises by 25%.

The second group of risk factors, which can be changed, include cigarette smoking, excessive body weight, excessive alcohol consumption, low physical activity.


Although heart disease can appear at any age, it becomes common after age 55 in men and after age 65 in women. In the developed countries, the gradual control of infectious diseases helps to prevent early deaths, allowing more people to live long enough to develop cardiovascular disease and cancer. The alarming increase in obesity and diabetes and many others add to the problem since both of these Continue reading →