The Amazing Facts about Liposuction

We all dream of a healthy life and a fit body with perfect contour. A desire shape body add boost to your confidence and vanity to a great extent. But at times, a desired body shape gets difficult to attain through exercises and dieting, in our busy schedule. In such case switching to liposuction is the best option available. Though we believe that many people are aware of the procedure, there is still a lot more to know about it. Let us now discuss the most amazing facts about liposuction.

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  1. Liposuction works best to remove genetic fat– Two of the primary reasons for which the unwanted fat is deposited are hereditary factors and an erratic lifestyle. The top hospital in Delhi can eliminate fat which is genetically obtained and not because of erratic lifestyle. In order to get best results from liposuction treatment an individual undertaking it should be physically fit, active and not under any major medical treatments. Liposuction eliminates fat deposits that are difficult to be removed through exercises and dieting.
  2. Liposuction can cast off fat from any part of the body- Regardless of the part of the body which is undergoing liposuction i.e. abdomen, chest, breasts, hips, chin, tummy, outer thighs, anterior thighs, inner thighs, arms, calves, buttocks, flanks, cheeks and neck; one can be assured of fat removal if they opt for liposuction. Whether it is fat accumulated during pregnancy or because of genetic reasons, liposuction is the ultimate road to a perfect body shape.
  3. Advancement in technology has improved liposuction- Ultrasound and laser technology have further improved the whole process of liposuction. With these additions in the technology of treatment it has become easier to liquefy the fat and eliminate it from the body. It also ensures speedy recuperation of the patients. Liposuction carried out by ultrasound technology or sound waves can be inserted through the cannula or directly on the skin. Ultrasonic energy assisted liposuction is called ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty or UAL.
  4. Results start showing within few months– When you will stand before the mirror after few months of the treatment you will be able to notice remarkable change in your figure tone, so what you will see will be your desired shape. Generally, it takes a few weeks or months to see the result.
  5. Fat cells obtained from liposuction can combat several diseases- Fat cells acquired from liposuction are wonderful source of mesenchymal stem cells, a sort of stem cell that can be developed into bone, tissue, and muscles of the body effectively. These fat cells can combat heart disease, blood sugar, and neurological ailments.
  6. Liposuction can remove more than 30 liters of fat- The quantity of fat that can be removed by this cosmetic procedure can be around 30 litres. But this will not have much effect on the body weight as the fat tissues are comparatively lighter.
  7. Youth can reap more benefits- Youth who are depressed and frustrated with excess body weight can highly benefit from this treatment. The criteria to undergo the treatment are to possess firm, elastic skin and sound health. Patients suffering from blood sugar, heart disease, high blood pressure, or past surgeries may require specialized considerations.

8. Liposuction for puffy body is done specifically for aesthetic reasons- In tumescent liposuction; the doctor injects a saline solution with increased adrenaline. It is purely done because of aesthetic reasons rather than removing excess weight. While some may have the agenda of shedding calories, the others may choose to go for liposuction purely for aesthetic reasons. In both cases liposuction is the go-to option. Get the look of your desire with help of it. It’s safe & recommended by doctors. In today’s technological era, these treatments at the top hospitals in Delhi NCR are even safer & sound, not only that pain free and less time consuming.

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