Monthly Archives: July, 2018

6 Common Gynecology Surgeries and Procedures

A woman’s body is subject to a lot of biological change right at the outset of their puberty. Some common problems particularly in regards to menstrual cycle are cured through medication. Nevertheless, the best gynecologist in India do have a word or two about the gynecological problems that are more complex in nature. They also state that there are millions of women who have gone through the surgical procedures. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn about them.  This way, you can be one step ahead on the mental aspect of the surgery before going for them. We discuss the 6 common gynecology surgeries and procedures.

  1. Cervical Cryosurgery

More often than not, the abnormal cells in the cervix heal without treatment. In case it does not, the best gynecologist in Delhi might recommend going for cervical cryosurgery or cryotherapy. This is an effective method to freeze a section of  the cervix.

The prime objective of this procedure is to eliminate any abnormal cervical cells that show changes which may lead to cancer, called precancerous cells.

The best gynecologist in India may use the term cervical dysplasia to describe your condition.

  1. Colposcopy

This is a non- surgical diagnostic tool performed with a colposcope by the best gynecologist in Delhi NCR. This examination is done to inspect the cervix, vagina, and vulva when a woman encounters abnormal Pap smear. If the gynecologist finds an area of unusual cells, he/she would take a sample of the same and send it to the laboratory for further testing.

  1. D&C: Dilation and Curettage 

Also known as Dilation and curettage, D&C is one of the most common gynecological procedures recommended by the best gynecologist in Delhi.

In this non-surgical procedure, the doctor removes the uterine lining with suction or a sharp curette (surgical instrument).

The major uterine conditions that are diagnosed are uterine cancer or polyps and the precancerous condition endometrial hyperplasia. If need be, the best gynecologist in Delhi may also recommend the removal of uterine fibroid tumors. They may also suggest the removal of a molar pregnancy, or a placenta that stay on inside the uterus after a delivery and has caused excessive bleeding.

  1. Hysteroscopy

The best gynecologist in Delhi NCR always to try to do their best as far as diagnosing your problems in a non-surgical way is concerned. Hysteroscopy is one such non-surgical way which is put to practice in order to diagnose or treat the problems related to uterine. The common problems for which hysteroscopy is implemented are

  • adhesions removal,
  • locating an intrauterine device,
  • or determining the cause of repeated miscarriage.

This procedure is executed by the best gynecologist in India by using a hysteroscope. It is a thin, lit, telescope-like instrument that is inserted into your uterus through the vagina. It sends pictures of your uterus to a screen for further examination.

  1. LEEP Procedure

The full form of LEEP is loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). The best gynecologist in Delhi treats the gynecology problems with LEEP when a PAP smear points towards the presence of  abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. The process is undertaken by a gynecologist as she uses an electrically-charged, thin wire loop to cut away the abnormal tissue.

  1. Pelvic Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure of surgery that is done in the major hospitals under general anesthesia. However, the best gynecologist in Delhi  can also perform       with other types of anesthesia which permit the patient to remain awake.

In a typical scenario, the best gynecologist of Delhi NCR starts the pelvic laparoscopy by creating a small of about 1/2- to 3/4-inch incision in the belly button or lower abdomen. Next, they pump in Carbon dioxide into the woman’s  abdomen as this helps the surgeon see your organs more easily. After a thorough examination and analysis, the surgeon may also take tissue samples, remove scar tissue, repair your uterus, or remove your ovaries.

How to find the best gynecologist in Delhi NCR?

India is a huge country with a strong network of medical and surgical facilities all over the country. But it is the national capital Delhi and the NCR region that has the largest concentration of best gynecologists in India. Given the rush and the less amount of knowledge that people have about the formalities to be done, they have to wait for months for getting their appointment done.

In order to ease the stress and also to make the entire procedure, many medical care and surgery service provider mediate between the doctors and the patients to provide the services these patients are looking for. Another big advantage is that these medical service provider also help in getting the fees reduced as far as consultation or planning surgeries are concerned. Additionally, they also help the outstation patients find accommodation and other incidentals to make their stay free from worries.

Kidney Transplant Vs Dialysis: What is the Best Solution?

To go for kidney transplant in the best kidney transplant hospitals in India or continue the dialysis; this is perhaps the biggest conundrum which a patient and their family face as the condition starts to aggravate.

Both dialysis and kidney transplantation are treatments that address the problem of kidney failure. The problem which is also known as renal failure, stage 5 chronic kidney disease, and end-stage kidney (or renal) disease. There are two types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. When the kidneys are no longer working effectively, waste products, electrolytes, and fluid buildup in the blood. Dialysis succeeds over the natural process of the failing kidney to remove the fluid and waste products albeit only on a portion of the organ. Kidney transplantation can even more completely take over the function of the failing kidneys but it is definitely a bright spot in a failing life of a person.

kidney transplant

Kidney transplantation in the best kidney transplant in Delhi is considered the treatment of choice for many people with severe chronic kidney disease because quality of life and survival (life expectancy) are often better than in people who are treated with dialysis. However, there is a shortage of organs available for donation. Many people who are candidates for kidney transplantation are put on a transplant waiting list and require dialysis until a kidney is available.

A kidney can be transplanted from a relative, an unrelated person (such as a spouse or friend), or from a person who has died (deceased or cadaver donor); only one kidney is required to survive. But the general consensus of the best kidney transplant hospital in India has been that the organ should be transplanted from a living donor as they function better and for longer period of time when compared to a deceased donor.

One of the biggest disadvantages of dialysis lies on the fact that its certain methods like hemodialysis is low blood pressure. This can be accompanied by lightheadedness, shortness of breath, abdominal cramps, nausea, or vomiting. However, there are treatments available for these potential problems. Such condition may also cause more complications as the access can cause a blood stream infection or get clogged up. This might need surgery or other procedures to open it up. By and large, if a patient has the financial window which is wide enough to for a kidney transplantation then it shall be most effective. Besides, if cost is the only vertical that the patients strongly consider, it must be noted that the cost of dialysis is not as economic as it should be in the long run.

Where to contact for kidney transplant?

Kidney transplant is one of the most vital operations done to a patient and there are hordes of people who are looking for a healthy donor. Therefore, one must get in touch with authentic medical advisers who are in touch with the best kidney transplant hospital in India so they can have this anticipated organ transplant in the most ethical and legit process.


What’s the Needful after a Bypass Surgery?

The human body is no safe against any disease, big or small. More diseases grapple the body due to our poor lifestyle choices than those which have seasonal occurrences. It is due to these sinful choices in health and lifestyle that we are witnessing the number of heart diseases in the world including in India. Due to the rampant level of smoking, drinking and other kinds of substance abuse, the human heart bears a lot of abuses. Fortunately though there is the availability of the best hospital for bypass surgery in India which has saved more lives than less.

This is a major heart operation in which a healthy blood vessel is used to form a bypass or another route for the heart to pump blood to the other body parts to make up for a blockage in a coronary (heart artery). The new  blood vessel formed due to the bypass is known as a graft. In broader medical terms, this surgical method is called ‘coronary artery bypass graft surgery’. Given the nature of this surgery and the fact that it has been conducted on the most active organ of the body, the best doctor for bypass surgery in Delhi have shed some light on what the daily routine post-surgery should be like.

Go with Best Hospital for Bypass Surgery in India

The immediate life post surgery i.e. typically two days would be spent at the ICU of the best hospital for bypass surgery. After this stay, the patient will be shifted to the general ward for a period of six days following which they are deemed to be fit to go home.

After you get home

This is when the crucial period starts as the patient can feel tired or experience shortness of breath after doing even a small activity. Another common occurrence is that of shoulder or back pain. The pain arises for the reason that the your chest bone (known as the sternum) was cut open and is stitched close after it. One may also experience an itch or sore in the same area. It is advised that you consult the best doctor for bypass surgery in Delhi to help you in the recovery period. The doctors have also suggested that it takes nearly six weeks for the complete healing of the sternum.

Ample rest

Rest is important especially if the body has endured something as large and mentally exhausting as coronary bypass surgery. It is true that some amount of physical activities are required but it must also be understood that the levels should be optimum. Lastly it is vital to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night and a short nap in the afternoon if you feel the need.

Cardiac rehab programme

The best doctor for bypass surgery in Delhi also encourage to enroll in a cardiac rehabilitation programme at a hospital (most big hospitals have them) to accelerate the recovery process and to learn more about heart health. It is one of the better processes to achieve the fitness and even educate one’s self about prevention of heart attack in the near future.

What the Top Doctors in India have to Say about Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the common health problems that we face at least once in our life. There are chances that you could be one of those who are struggling to lose a few extra pounds and despite your best efforts, the results are not phenomenal. In some of the cases, the amount of weight gain is so acute that the top doctors in India is approached for bariatric surgery. These surgeries have been beneficial for most of the people who have been hit hard by obesity but if the top doctors in India are to be believed, this is the break even stage of the weight loss goals set by the patients. There are quite a few factors that has to be taken under due consideration. Let us see what the doctors advise:

Consult with Top Doctors in India for Perfect Treatment

  1. The time you take your food at is important- It is true that there are many dietary guidelines that are to be followed to hasten the process of weight loss. As a matter of fact many people do follow them seriously. But they miss the trick with regard to the time at which the food is to be consumed. Also, the whole idea of starving before a heavy meal is counterproductive. Therefore the ground rule to be followed is simple; you eat a heavy breakfast in the morning and finish your dinner at least a couple of hours prior to bedtime.
  2. Check your medications- Another important thing to be noted is the medications that you have been taking over the years. The medicines prescribed for chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes and depression can be weight positive. It is highly advised you find doctor in Delhi who’s an expert of the field and can prescribe the alternative medicine.
  3. Thyroid check- As said before, bariatric surgery is a successful way of losing weight in a significantly less amount of time but the majority of individuals who suffer from weight gain are not suffering from weight gain to the point that they can be termed “obese”. Besides, the sudden and absurd weight gain can be related to the thyroid condition. Hence a proper thyroid assessment is required. This assessment checks eight different parameters of thyroid function and comparing them to optimal, not normal, values.
  4. Proper sleep- The top doctor in India believes that proper seven to nine hours of sleep is the pillar of weight loss. There are many reasons that validate this observation. To start with, if there is a lack of sleep, the impulse control gets affected. This unwarranted change in the body gives rise to the problem of binge eating and one may find it tough to stick to the healthy food choices and portion sizes that might have been prescribed to him/her.

How to find the best doctors?

The entire procedure to find the best doctors in India and other parts of the world can be very time consuming at times. In order to lessen this lengthy process, Doctors Beyond Borders have compiled a complete list of doctors in different specialties so that everyone has the access to all the information and choose the best treatment with cost by comparing the prices.