Monthly Archives: August, 2018

Transplanting Hair in Areas with Scars

Our head is the first thing we put on or that hits when we suffer accidents, so it is a proper field for injuries and scars, and leave marks difficult to hide, since the hair follicle is damaged and no longer leaves hair in the area. The lesions on our scalp or on the eyebrows can be of a different nature, be it from burns, car accidents, at home, due to surgery or infections, but even if you doubt it, even if the follicle is destroyed it is possible to recover it.


The above is achieved through a micro hair graft surgery, covering the unwanted scars on the head, which both disfigure the physical appearance, and not only that, but cause in those who suffer it, psychological problems and self-esteem.

A recognized and experienced the best hair transplant doctor in Delhi should practice this operation, because although it is not very risky for the patient, it is not so simple, it is necessary to apply an examination to the patient to know the origin of the affected part, as well as to know the clinical history of the patient.

When performing a capillary micro transplant, the scarred area is usually reduced, so that the surgery is in a smaller area and guarantee success.

Many people out of ignorance, believe that it is not possible to restore scalp damaged by scars, and resign themselves to suffer trauma or complex, due to this condition, but today thanks to capillary micro transplant, there is already a solution.

The most important thing is to find a recognized clinic with experience in hair transplants, who will detect what type of surgery is necessary to repair the area.

Although an expert doctor will give his verdict, it is necessary to have more than one session to graft the hair in areas with scars, burns or injuries.


If you already made the decision to improve your appearance through a capillary micro grafting, the second step is to go to the consultation with the best hair transplant doctor in Delhi, and in confidence with him, you can give him all the information of your case, at the same time he will make you a diagnosis, with the appropriate technique that your case requires.

It is important to know that through the hair micro implant, the area will be covered with hair, but this is through a long process of approximately 8 months, between the first intervention and the final result.

It’s just a matter of putting up with patience, because if you could wait a long time to decide to improve your image aesthetically, what more to wait for the result, which will undoubtedly be successful and make you look, physically better, but above all who is better you see, it’s your self-esteem.

Hair micro transplant is also possible in areas such as the eyebrow, which is equally sensitive to the area of ​​the head, to open and present scars, which leave the area hairless, possibly in this case, easier to cover, but always Surgery is an option.

Joint Replacement Surgery: Myths and Reality

What is joint replacement surgery?

According to the best bone specialist in India abnormal bone and lining structures of the joint are removed surgically and new parts are inserted in their places. These special parts that would replace the bones are made of special metal, plastic or specific kinds of ceramic-coated implants. The new parts allow the joints to become mobile again without causing any kind of severe pain. This surgery is very beneficial because it:

  • Reduces joint pain
  • Helps in restoring or maintaining joint motion
  • Improves the look and alignment of the joints
  • Improves overall joint function


What are the prime causes of joint pain?

A normal, undamaged joint have bones with smooth surface which is made of a substance called articular cartilage on their edge. This substance allows the bones to glide against each other easily. The joints are made smooth/lubricated by a thin layer of fluid known as synovial fluid.  When the articular cartilage wears, is damaged or the joint fluid is abnormal, the joints become stiff and painful, causing arthritis, which may be possible to treat with this surgery.

Common myths regarding joint replacement surgery

Myth: Joint replacement surgery means a long hospital stay

Reality: There have been big advancements in joint replacement surgery. Earlier the normal stay in any of the hospital for joint surgery was 10 days. But nowadays it has been reduced to an average of 3-4 days thanks largely to the improvements in technology and patient care. Patients usually stay less than two days after hip replacements and less than three days after knee replacements. Continue reading →

Suffering from Bone Dislocation? It’s Time to Consult a Bone Specialist.

Dislocation occurs when bones that form a joint slip out of their normal position. The injury temporarily twists and immobilizes the joint, inflicting severe pain at the site of injury. The injury may happen due to a fall or blow, particularly while playing sports.

After several weeks of proper treatment and care in a bone specialist hospital, most dislocations restore normal functionality. However, once a patient suffers from dislocation, he becomes susceptible to repeat Dislocations. Dislocation is different from Subluxation where bones of the joint shift, but do not dislocate.


The most common causes of a Dislocation are as follows:

  • Playing contact sports, such as, football & hockey
  • The sports that involve falls can also cause dislocations. Some examples are gymnastics & volleyball
  • Blow to a joint during a motor vehicle accident
  • Landing on an outstretched arm during a fall


Signs & Symptoms which show that you need to consult the best orthopedic hospital in Delhi

  • Visibly deformed joint
  • Severe Pain
  • Swollen or discolored joint
  • Bruise
  • Inability to make bodily movements
  • Tingling or numbness near or below the injury

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Stop Scoffing! Male Breast Cancer is a Serious Health Condition for Men

The term “male breast cancer” raises laughter more than eyebrows. Men suffering from breast cancer are very few but even fewer are the number of those who have even heard of it; let alone taking the same seriously. Not many people know that men have breast tissues and the cells in any part of the body can become cancer to spread in any part of the body. The best breast cancer hospital in India have now seen a sharp rise in the number of cases.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

The signs of breast cancer are as follows:

  • A painless lump tends to develop in the breast tissue.
  • The skin covering the breast undergoes certain changes and one may spot dimpling, puckering, redness or scaling
  • Another symptom is that of the redness or scaling in the nipple that begins to turn inward.
  • Any kind of discharged from the nipple.

The causes of male breast cancer is not known as yet but the doctors do know that the rapidly reproducing cancer cell and the accumulating cells form a tumor that may spread (metastasize) to nearby to the nearby tissue, to the lymph nodes or to the other parts of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis methods used for male breast cancer in the best breast cancer hospital in India is the same as the one used for women. This means that the men too have to take certain physical exams, mammography, and biopsies (examining small samples of tissue under a microscope). Continue reading →