Monthly Archives: March, 2018

Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins

The elimination of varicose veins using laser surgery is becoming more and more relevant at present since it can be performed in the doctor’s office. The process is very little invasive, only the area on which it is operated is damaged, and it has hardly any severe side effects and presents few complications in the postoperative period. In fact, surgery (sclerotherapy) is being relegated to the elimination of large varicose veins.

Varicose veins

Different types of laser are used depending on whether best cardiac hospitals are going to treat varicose veins or spider veins (light yellow, green and intense pulsed light). In the case of varicose veins, the technique involves the introduction of a special vein catheter through which radio-frequency energy (pulsed light) is sent to the wall of the vein causing it to contract and close. This procedure is performed under anesthesia.


Usually, the only side effect is a slight bruise in the area of the wound. The risks are similar to those of sclerotherapy: bleeding and congestion of the blood, although it usually completes on its own without the need for additional treatment. Other possible risks of the wound are the infection, inflammation, and redness.

Varicose veins cannot be prevented, although the progression of their appearance can be controlled. It is recommended to practice sports activities with little impacts, such as walking, cycling. It is also advisable not to spend too many hours standing up, nor to be exposed too long to intense heat sources such as saunas, braziers or direct heating; the tight clothes and the use of heels (because of the impact on the feet) does not favor the symptoms of varicose veins

Among the complications (rare) that can occur as a result of the existence of varicose veins is varicorrhagia, that is, vein rupture. The rupture of a vein occurs typically in huge veins or people with very little fat, as well as in veins that are very close to the skin and by some blow or friction it is possible that the vein open.

Vascular spiders

In this case, no incision is made, but the laser is applied in strong bursts directly on the skin of the area where the vascular spider is located. The patient will only feel a small blow at the moment of applying the laser, since before and after each burst, the area in which it is involved is cooled. It may be necessary between two and five sessions of 15-20 minutes to eliminate them, depending on their size and thickness.

As regards possible side effects, these are limited to redness and inflammation of the skin immediately after the laser application, which disappears after a few days. It is also possible that the skin of the treated area acquires a different color from the rest, but it even fades spontaneously in one or two weeks.

There are different types of varicose veins, on the one hand, there are telangiectasias, which are those small veins that break on both the face and legs and are known as “aesthetic varicose veins.” These are more superficial and with less cardiovascular involvement, and can be treated well with laser or sclerotherapy treatment performed by best cardiac surgery hospital.

On the other hand to larger varicose veins that pose a real health problem, for the pain, they cause in people who suffer them, especially in the hottest months, and also have more severe implications at cardiovascular level. For these varicose veins, we resort to the treatment of sclerotherapy with Microfoam or surgical intervention for the most extreme cases.

Is IVF Treatment Possible without the Use of Drugs?

At present, one of the most critical problems for couples is their inability to conceive a child when they would like it. Only 15 out of 100 couples who have regular unprotected sex can achieve pregnancy within a year as stated by World Health Organization. The ratio of infertility in pairs is the same: 1 of 3 cases of infertility in women; 1 of 3 cases of infertility in both men and women. It is also known that 15% of couples who cannot conceive a child face infertility for unexplained reasons.

If one of the spouses or both are infertile, they should apply to an artificial reproduction clinic. Based on the tests performed, the most suitable method is determined, and treatment begins. As a rule, the first method of treatment used is insemination. Then an IVF treatment is followed by best IVF specialist in India. However, if the patient is over the age of 36, and the case of infertility is severe, then immediately begin to ECO treatment.


Among these treatment methods, based on cost, insemination is the most appropriate way. IVF treatment is a much more expensive method because of the high cost of the drugs used to stimulate the ovaries. Nevertheless, in some cases, regardless of the number of medications used, sufficient quantity or quality of the oocytes is not achieved. Also, some patients may have angioedema in the stomach or lungs, due to allergic reactions to drugs, so drugs should not be used. Also, in patients undergoing cancer treatment, the use of hormonal drugs is prohibited. And, finally, if problems with infertility in men.

In these cases, the eggs that appear and develop during the natural cycle of the woman are collected in the laboratory and examined, until the appropriate time of fertilization with the microinjection method. This approach is called “IVF treatment without using any medication.”

The success rate of this method is 30% higher than the achievement of pregnancy in a natural way. However, when collecting eggs, it is essential to pay attention to the following: in the natural cycle, the body has its system of rupture of the oocytes, and in the IVF treatment method, be mature enough, but not broken. To track this, it is essential to carefully monitor the level of the hormone LH (luteinizing hormone) in the blood.

In the ideal case, when the follicle reaches 17 mm, without waiting for the level of LH hormone to rise, even more, the ovules should be harvested. If the eggs are collected too early, they are not ripe to the desired extent, and if received late, they will already be ripped. In particular, the use of this method is recommended for future mothers who have low egg stocks.

IVF treatment without the use of drugs lasts shorter compared to the traditional method of IVF treatment used by best IVF specialist in India. Moreover, the patient will not have side effects from hormonal medications. The number of injections and vaginal ultrasound is minimized. And, finally, in this way, one can avoid the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome experienced by some patients.

How is the Vision of Babies?

The view, unlike other senses, is not fully developed at the time of birth. Moreover, the sight of babies is very immature and their evolution quite slow, since it is not until six or seven months of life when the child begins to perceive colors and depth with quality. At this age, it can already be considered that sight has reached an important level of development.

Why is the vision process so slow?

Although at the time of birth the eyes are perfectly formed, the baby’s brain has not yet “learned to see.” This requires the necessary stimuli, i.e., the child has to go through a learning process to convert the stimuli that come from the eyes through the optic nerve in meaningful images.


This process, known as visual maturation, is long and slow and does not fully end until eight or nine years of age. In fact, people have a good quality of vision much earlier, but up to five years there are some parts of the eye, such as the retina, which are still being perfected and elements such as depth or stereoscopic vision continue to develop up to four years later.

The evolution of the baby’s vision

The evolution of the sense of sight in human beings is fascinating because its development runs parallel to its mental growth and its irrefutable curiosity and enormous desire to discover the world.

At a historical level, we can distinguish the following stages:

  • At two weeks of age, the child shows interest in elongated and contrasting objects, such as the human face. As at such a young age the baby cannot see yet, it is normal for him to cross his eyes trying to focus, producing a strabismic look that, in any case, is of short duration and transient.
  • By the first month of life, the child is already beginning to show interest in his or her immediate environment, but usually within a limited radius and for a short time.
  • It is not until eight or ten weeks from birth when the baby can follow with the eye a moving object, as long as it moves slowly and the distance does not exceed 30-60 centimeters. At this age, the quality of his vision progressively improves, perceiving the contour of objects much better.
  • The condition of vision progresses markedly after ten weeks: discover your hands and appreciate the details, even if they are tiny. It is also capable of focusing on all distances.
  • Between three and four months the baby can now follow and distinguish objects and also improve their perception of contrast.
  • From the fourth month of life, the knowledge of color develops, and the recognition of objects is enhanced.

It is not until the seventh month of life when the child begins to develop the perception of depth. At the same time, he begins to see all the colors and can follow all the objects, even if they move at high speed.

In short, the vision is the less developed sense of the newborn, and the process of adaptation and learning is slow, since as we said it does not stop after seven months, but progress is still being made, especially in the perception of depth, until practically the nine years of life.

You must consult best eye care hospital regularly if your child has vision problems and for regular checkups as well.

Use of Radioembolization for the Treatment of Liver Cancer

Let’s start by explaining the concept of radioembolization, also known as transarterial radioembolization. It consists of a minimally invasive procedure that combines embolization (a process in which substances are inserted to try to block or reduce the flow of blood to cancer cells) in the liver and radiation therapy for the liver cancer treatment in India.

This procedure is performed, mainly, to those patients who cannot receive another type of treatment, either surgery or liver transplant. Also, it is necessary to bear in mind that radioembolization is a treatment to help control, slow down and slow the growth of liver cancer and to attenuate its symptoms, it does not represent any cure for this disease.


How does the procedure work?

It is the intervention radiologist who is responsible for introducing a catheter through the skin and into a blood vessel and moving it and placing it to the specific place to be treated (a procedure that is observed at through X-ray images and a contrast material). Radioembolization is a liver cancer treatment that has been applied for a few years with very positive results in cases of hepatocarcinomas or liver tumors of the significant size that are not operable.

Thus, once the catheter is placed in the area to be treated, they are inserted into the blood vessels that provide the tumor with blood, microspheres filled with radiation or glass pellets. They administer high doses of radiation directly into the cancer cells that will block the flow of blood to the tumor, preventing oxygen and nutrients to grow.

Radioembolization is used primarily for the treatment of liver cancer. The disease can become one of two forms:

  • Cancer that has spread to the liver from a primary tumor elsewhere (such as colon or breast cancer)
  • Primary cancer or cancer that first appears in the liver (e.g., hepatocellular carcinoma)

Metastatic colorectal cancer in the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma are the most common tumors considered for radioembolization therapy. Radioembolization has also been applied to other forms of cancer that affect the liver, such as:

  • Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Breast or lung cancer with liver metastases
  • Neuroendocrine tumors, such as carcinoid tumors, spread to the liver.
  • A type of sarcoma called a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)

The radioactive embolism is often used in coordination with more traditional treatments for cancer, such as surgery and chemotherapy:

Radioembolization can be used in liver tumors that are too large for the cancer treatment to reduce them and allow surgical removal.

Chemotherapy and radioembolization can be considered in combination to maximize the destruction of cancer cells.

Radioembolization can also be a treatment option for liver tumors that cannot be removed surgically and do not respond to chemotherapy. Through ongoing research, doctors are still determining the best use of radioembolization.

Radioembolization is considered only as a treatment for tumors whose spread is limited to the liver. People with critical liver disease or abnormal blood flow to the liver and lungs are usually not eligible for radiopharmacy.

The effects of radioembolization

Several studies found that radioembolization delayed the progression of colorectal cancer after it spread to the liver. It has also been shown that radioembolization reduces hepatocellular carcinomas.