Tag Archives: best gynecologist in india

6 Common Gynecology Surgeries and Procedures

A woman’s body is subject to a lot of biological change right at the outset of their puberty. Some common problems particularly in regards to menstrual cycle are cured through medication. Nevertheless, the best gynecologist in India do have a word or two about the gynecological problems that are more complex in nature. They also state that there are millions of women who have gone through the surgical procedures. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn about them.  This way, you can be one step ahead on the mental aspect of the surgery before going for them. We discuss the 6 common gynecology surgeries and procedures.

  1. Cervical Cryosurgery

More often than not, the abnormal cells in the cervix heal without treatment. In case it does not, the best gynecologist in Delhi might recommend going for cervical cryosurgery or cryotherapy. This is an effective method to freeze a section of  the cervix.

The prime objective of this procedure is to eliminate any abnormal cervical cells that show changes which may lead to cancer, called precancerous cells.

The best gynecologist in India may use the term cervical dysplasia to describe your condition.

  1. Colposcopy

This is a non- surgical diagnostic tool performed with a colposcope by the best gynecologist in Delhi NCR. This examination is done to inspect the cervix, vagina, and vulva when a woman encounters abnormal Pap smear. If the gynecologist finds an area of unusual cells, he/she would take a sample of the same and send it to the laboratory for further testing.

  1. D&C: Dilation and Curettage 

Also known as Dilation and curettage, D&C is one of the most common gynecological procedures recommended by the best gynecologist in Delhi.

In this non-surgical procedure, the doctor removes the uterine lining with suction or a sharp curette (surgical instrument).

The major uterine conditions that are diagnosed are uterine cancer or polyps and the precancerous condition endometrial hyperplasia. If need be, the best gynecologist in Delhi may also recommend the removal of uterine fibroid tumors. They may also suggest the removal of a molar pregnancy, or a placenta that stay on inside the uterus after a delivery and has caused excessive bleeding.

  1. Hysteroscopy

The best gynecologist in Delhi NCR always to try to do their best as far as diagnosing your problems in a non-surgical way is concerned. Hysteroscopy is one such non-surgical way which is put to practice in order to diagnose or treat the problems related to uterine. The common problems for which hysteroscopy is implemented are

  • adhesions removal,
  • locating an intrauterine device,
  • or determining the cause of repeated miscarriage.

This procedure is executed by the best gynecologist in India by using a hysteroscope. It is a thin, lit, telescope-like instrument that is inserted into your uterus through the vagina. It sends pictures of your uterus to a screen for further examination.

  1. LEEP Procedure

The full form of LEEP is loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). The best gynecologist in Delhi treats the gynecology problems with LEEP when a PAP smear points towards the presence of  abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. The process is undertaken by a gynecologist as she uses an electrically-charged, thin wire loop to cut away the abnormal tissue.

  1. Pelvic Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure of surgery that is done in the major hospitals under general anesthesia. However, the best gynecologist in Delhi  can also perform       with other types of anesthesia which permit the patient to remain awake.

In a typical scenario, the best gynecologist of Delhi NCR starts the pelvic laparoscopy by creating a small of about 1/2- to 3/4-inch incision in the belly button or lower abdomen. Next, they pump in Carbon dioxide into the woman’s  abdomen as this helps the surgeon see your organs more easily. After a thorough examination and analysis, the surgeon may also take tissue samples, remove scar tissue, repair your uterus, or remove your ovaries.

How to find the best gynecologist in Delhi NCR?

India is a huge country with a strong network of medical and surgical facilities all over the country. But it is the national capital Delhi and the NCR region that has the largest concentration of best gynecologists in India. Given the rush and the less amount of knowledge that people have about the formalities to be done, they have to wait for months for getting their appointment done.

In order to ease the stress and also to make the entire procedure, many medical care and surgery service provider mediate between the doctors and the patients to provide the services these patients are looking for. Another big advantage is that these medical service provider also help in getting the fees reduced as far as consultation or planning surgeries are concerned. Additionally, they also help the outstation patients find accommodation and other incidentals to make their stay free from worries.

Facts About Gynecologists and What They can do for You

Of the numerous branches of medication, gynecology is a standout amongst the most known. Gynecologists are known as the principle individuals who out women when they have issues with their regenerative wellbeing. More than that, however, gynecologists are doctors who think about women’s general wellbeing.

The principle employment of a gynecologist is to know precisely if a lady has an illness by having her experience distinctive examinations. These incorporate bosom examination which includes checking for any conceivable blisters that can bring about bosom tumor. Another is in the conceptive tract which is essential for pregnant women to guarantee no contamination or issue will restrain them from conceiving an offspring. They have women run routine indicative tests to guarantee that their bodies are solid.


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Why to Find the Gynecologist in India via the Internet?

Women, usually, take care of their health so much and they never eat or drink any type of thing that will affect their body negatively and lead them to face or bear any sort of health related issues. Yet, today, the quality of food gets so much deteriorated that we get infected with any type of issues. Plus, our lifestyle, atmosphere and stress have made the condition a bit worse and that is why, women are facing large number of health related problems. At such point of time, it is better to meet the gynecologist as soon as possible so that you may stay away from any problems. But, one problem lies with it, there are many physicians who are not very good at their work and they are not capable enough to resolve the issue with perfection. This is the reason, you need to reach to the best gynecologist in India and then you can expect that you are going to get the desired treatment.

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Chlamydia – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Disease

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases affecting both men and women. It does not show symptoms and that is why, goes untreated for most of the times. The disease mostly affects women and when it reaches to the advanced stages then it leads a patient to infertility or chronic pelvic pain. Chlamydia is a bacteria related infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. Millions of people are affected from the same ailment and the report is declared by authentic sources. And, there is one more reason to worry a bit more that the numbers are increasing at a rapid rate on yearly basis. To stay away from such issues, you should go to the Best gynecologist in Delhi-Ncr, India if you are a Delhi resident and he will give you the right treatment that will resolve your most of the issues in the least time period.

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Various Kinds of Gynecological Diseases Affecting Millions of Women

Confronting gynecological related issues is a difficult task and no one wants to go through this specific phase. Some diseases create a mild effect on the patient whereas many of them are so serious that they can affect the entire life of the patient. Due to the reason, it is must to see the doctor whenever we have any health related issue. Well, it will be better to know the various gynecological ailments as this will prove to be beneficial for you. Menopause, perimenopause, abnormal menstrual, menstrual, menstrual cramps, cramping, ovarian cysts, functional ovarian cysts, premature ovarian failure, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian syndrome, uterine fibroids, abnormal vaginal bleeding etc. are some of the common names of gynecological disease. To treat them, it is must to meet the best gynecologist of India as the doctor will give the perfect treatment to the patient without any complications. Here, we are going to discuss about all the problems that affect millions of women in the world.


It is a time when a lady has not met menstrual period during the entire year. Menopause signs the end of years when a child can be born and sometimes, known as “change of life”. It takes place around the age of 50 years in most of the women but vary with lady to lady as they have their own timeline. Some ladies stops their periods in 40s but other continues till 50s.


Perimenopause is the procedure that leads women to menopause that starts during late 30s or early 50s. The duration of perimenopause varies but the time period will be 2 to 8 years and during this time, a lady has irregular periods.

Abnormal Menstrual Periods

Most women face this ailment and it for maximum seven days. The symptoms include missing some periods in a row, menstrual flow will be heavier or lighter than the normal, duration of period will be more than 7 days, pain or vomit like feeling during the period and many more.

Menstrual Cramps

Many women have to confront menstrual cramps more often and this is the condition that a lady must seek medical attention. Pain during the menstrual cramps can be mild and unbearable and can include thighs, back or abdomen. During the cycle, uterus discharges a hormone that is called as prostaglandin. The hormone results uterus to contract that is normally quite painful. Women who have serious menstrual cramps may generate more amount of prostaglandin or they will be more sensitive to its effects.

Cramping is normal in the teens when a girl starts having periods in her life. Painful menstrual cramping is also known as primary dysmenorrhea with the recognized physical reason. It is usually seen in a lady having age of 20 to 24 and goes away after 1 to 2 years when the hormone balance takes place.

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cyst is sac that generates on ovary of women during ovulation. It has an egg that and sac gets disappeared when the egg is released. If the egg does not get free or if the sac does not goes away after the egg is lost, the sac can get swell up and has fluid in it.

Functional Ovarian Cysts

Most of the times, these cysts causes no harm, show no signs and symptoms to the sufferer and they go away without any cure given by the gynecologist. But in case, the cysts gets large then it can rupture, twist or bleed and occurring any of these issues will be quite painful for the affected lady.

Premature Ovarian Failure

It occurs in the body when ovaries, that store and release the eggs, stops working before the age of 40. You may possess some or no eggs or it may happen that eggs do not get developed properly. The issue occurs in the teen years and its signs and symptoms involve menopause, infertility problems, irregular periods or no periods at all. For the women who is facing premature ovarian failure, it is little difficult to get pregnant but not impossible as well.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection affecting women reproductive part. It occurs when women fail to take part in a usual conception procedure and is unable to carry a full term pregnancy. The issue results scar tissue in pelvic part that leads to infertility. Varied kinds of infertility exist such as secondary infertility, primary infertility, sub fertility and complete infertility.

In the starting time, it may not show symptoms and if some signs occurs then it will be bleeding or discharge from the vagina. Some of the ladies do not have any idea about the disease in their own body and they will come to know when they find that they cannot get pregnant or when they feel pain in pelvic area. Since the infection spreads in the entire body, so there will be pain in the lower part of belly. The pain can be dull and constant too and it will be worse while doing sex or passing urine. In some cases, a woman suffers from fever also.

Ovarian Syndrome

Absence of menstruation, ovary failure to release eggs, elevated amount of male hormones called as androgens, lots of hair on body, miscarriage high rate, infertility high rates are some of the symptoms and signs of disease. There are some proofs that conveys message that disease is inherited.

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are occurred as lumps, which grow on uterus. A lady can have fibroids on the outside, inside or in the walls of uterus. They are also called as myomas, leiomyomas or firbroid tumors. Fibroids are not supposed to create cancer and there is no need to meet the doctor for curing them as they do are not harmless and a lady can do this unless they seems to be problematic. Fibroids are highly usual in the women in 30s and 40s. till 80, most of the women confront these health related issues. Several times, ladies do not know that they are suffering from disease or not.

Often fibroids do not show symptoms and if they show some of them then it will be mild such as periods heavier than normal. In case, fibroids bleed or press on organs then the condition may make the situation tougher for the women suffering from the disease. Ailment makes a lady to have cramping, fullness in belly, pain in lower back, painful sex, pain while urinating etc.

Heavy bleeding due to the disease will lead patient to anemia that causes weakness in body. Sometimes, the issue creates problems for a lady to get pregnant or creates problems to get pregnant like miscarriage.

Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

It is seen in some of the women and the condition is not normal at all. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is considered to be abnormal if it occurs during the time when a lady is not supposed to have menstrual period. In case, it happens with lady having an age of 40 or more then it means that the patient is entering into phase of perimenopause. A woman who has not faced menstrual period for 12 months, vaginal bleeding will be abnormal and the patient should talk to the gynecologist as soon as possible.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer shows its sign when abnormal cells on cervix develop out of control. Cervix is the portion of uterus that reaches to the vagina that is opening of cervix too. Cancer can be treated early at the time, it found early and to know about the disease, Pap test will be very helpful. Most cervical related cancer is resulted due to the virus named as human papillomavirus or HPV. A woman gets this virus while having sexual intercourse with the person who is affected with the same issue. Several kinds of HPV virus exist in the world but not all of them cause cancer.

A woman may be infected from the HPV virus and it may happen that she has no idea about it until it becomes cervical cancer. Due to the reason, it is must to go through Pap test regularly and the test will observe the changes in the cells before they are going to convert into cancer. Assuming that these changes will be treated at right time, a woman can be prevented from the cervical cancer.

Changing of cervical cells may not shows symptoms but when they become cancer cells then the patient will definitely show symptoms. Cervical cancer shows symptoms that encompass abnormal bleeding from vagina, changes in menstrual cycle that cannot be explained, bleeding occurs when some stuff contact with cervix like during sexual intercourse or when a lady is put in diaphragm, painful sex, vaginal discharge with bleeding.

Uterine Cancer

Uterine cancer is growth of cells (abnormal) in the lining of uterus and this lining is known as endometrium, which is why; the ailment is also called as endometrial cancer. Usually, the disease occurs in women with more than 50 years of age and it is cured successfully if it is diagnosed in the early stages. More often, doctor will come to know about the disease in its earliest stage before it starts affecting the outer part of uterus.

The most usual symptom and sign of the disease is unexpected bleeding from vaginal portion after having menopause. About 20 percent of women who have bleeding after menopause suffer from the uterine cancer. A lady with advanced stage of uterine cancer shows other kinds of symptoms like losing weight without dieting or trying.

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer occurs in the body when cells do not grow normally in both of the ovaries. It can be treated successfully when it is found in early stage and mostly, it is spread in the entire body when a doctor will come to know about the problem.

Usually, the ailment does not shows symptoms but many women show some signs in the starting 6 to 12 months before the ovarian cancer is found. The most usual signs are pain, swelling or gas in the belly and some others are upset stomach, diarrhea or constipation. But problem is these symptoms are so common that a patient ignore them without thinking twice.

Breast Cancer

It shows sign when cells in one or both the breasts starts growing in an abnormal manner. They can invade near to tissues and generate a mass, known as malignant tumor. Cancer cells can infect lymph nodes and many other parts of the body. Breast cancer is the biggest threat for most of the ladies and they really do not wish to face this ailment. But in the modern times, medical science has progressed to a large extent and now, gynecologist and several other experts can treat it without facing much issue. Now, it can be treated successfully and this is not always necessary to remove the breast of the woman.

Breast cancer shows some changes in the breast and a painless lump will occur in the same part of the body or underarms. The ailment show changes in the appearance of the breast as well like dimpling of skin or look like a peel of an orange. There can be a change in the shape and size of breast. Nipple can look inward or the skin around it may be appeared scaly and it may discharge fluid that can be clear or bloody too.

Aforementioned diseases are some of the major diseases that can affect the entire life of a woman. But they can be treated successfully if they are cured by the top doctors of India who are known for offering the highest success rate.

Finding the Best Gynecologist in Delhi for the Perfect Cure

Women are quite strong by heart and at the present, they are giving a very tough competition to man. Now, it does not feel that they are going to step back in any work and that is why, they are reaching towards the sky at a rapid rate. Yet, we should never forget that they are human beings and they can, too, get infected by any of the disease or infections and at that point of time, they need to meet with the doctor as by going to them, their most of the issues will get resolved and the women will be able to live a better life. A specialist doctor who always deals in the women related disease is known as gynecologist. These skilled persons know all the intricacies of the women’s body and the problems that are quite uncomfortable for them. To get the maximum benefit, it is advised to have a meeting with the best gynecologist in Delhi, India as they are capable enough to give you the best and healthy lifestyle.

Without any doubt, there is a proper way to conduct a hunt for the right person that will be quite helpful for you and you will be able to get the desired treatment. This will let you to live a happy and healthy life.

The Education

The gynecologist must be highly educated in the related field and this will make him or her to give you a proper treatment. Check that the gynecologist has completed his M.B.B.S. and M.D. in the required field and this will make him to understand even the most complicated condition of the patient. They can treat the sick person without facing many issues and will not let the sufferer to bear any complications in future. For assessing the education, you can see the name plate of the surgeon and at there, along with his name, his education is written. Aside from this, a certificate is hung on the walls of the gynecologist and by observing it, you can know about the education and capability of the doctor.

The Institute

Plus, make it sure that the gynecologist has completed his education from a reputed university as at there, they get the best teaching from the top doctor in India. Getting admission to such colleges is not an easy task as the competition is quite high and the students have to work very hard to get selected in the competition. Without any doubt, this makes them a good student and they have to study thoroughly to pass the test. In the last year, these students go to the top hospitals of Delhi, India for the training and are the best gynecologists of Delhi, India. After getting such a good training, the will be able to give maximum satisfaction to the patient. Good colleges never make any sort of compromise with the quality of their teaching and thus, they are known for gifting the best gynecologists of India.

The Best Gynecologist in India – A Complete Guidebook for Success

Finding a good doctor needs lot of hard work and smartness or you may end up with the one who is not capable enough to give the best treatment. There are several doctors in different localities and most of them are quite excellent at their work and when their service is used then there is no chance that the patient will have to suffer any sort of pain anymore. On the best gynecologist in Indiaother hand, if you meet with the wrong person then there is a huge probability that he cannot resolve the issue and there is a possibility that the condition gets worse and you may lose your life. Suppose, you are facing skin related issue then you need to meet the best gynecologist in India as he will give the best treatment and let you to live a normal life as you were living before. To get the success, there is a complete guidebook that will be helpful for finding the best gynecologist of India.

The Degrees

By seeing the acquired degree, you will get a very good idea that how good the gynecologist is. Check that the gynecologist has completed his master so that he may have complete understanding of the field and can give the desired cure. During the master degree, the students have to go to the hospital to check the patients and thus, they get good knowledge of the domain and can understand the case in no time. To know about the education, you can see the certificated, hung on the wall, and this will give you an idea about the acquired degrees. Plus, the same question can be asked directly in case of any doubt, a good gynecologist will always give you the answer without any issue.

The College

Knowing about this point will be quite beneficial as well and you will come to know that what kind of service you are going to get. At a reputed college, getting the admission is not an easy task and to enter into such institutes, a student has to work very hard and this gives him a fine knowledge of the patient or disease. To complete the college, these learners have to work very hard and then they can get the degree and this makes them the best gynecologist of India. These universities send all the students to the best and famous hospitals for the training and there they learn a lot and become capable to let the sick person to live a happy and healthy life.

The Fee

Try to know the asked fee of the doctor or may be, he will empty your bank balance. For instance, you have problem in your kidney and need to get performed transplantation. At that time, find out the best kidney transplant hospitals in India with cost and now, you are able to save your huge amount. Go to more than one doctor who performs kidney transplantation and this will allow you to be in benefit and the saved money can be utilized to buy the medicines. A good doctor of India will never ask for the unreasonable amount and his main concern is to gift the patient a healthy life.

What to See For Finding the Best Gynecologist in Delhi?

This is not a very difficult task but you have to follow a particular path or you may end up with the wrong person who is not capable to treat you properly. Meeting with the wrong professional may give you harm and sometimes, it may be dangerous for your life as well. best gynecologist in DelhiTo get the desired treatment, you need to with the right and experienced expert and thereby, you can expect to live your life as you were living it before. Imagine that you are facing skin related issue then the time has come to have a meeting with the best gynecologist in Delhi. When you see the gynecologist who is the finest at his field, you get the surety that you will get the best treatment and thus, get the full out of the money that you have spent. There are some points that you have to keep in mind while conduct a hunt and then you will end up with the finest adept.

Go to the Specialist

You are advised to meet with the specialist of the particular issue that you are dealing with. If you are facing skin related issue then you can go to the gynecologist and he must has completed his masters in the same field. This gives him a very good understanding about the field and thereby, he will cure you in the perfect manner. It must be known that during master degree, the students have to go to some hospital for practicing and in this way; they come to know each and everything about all types of disease.

Know the College

Try to know the institute from where he has completed his education as the factor plays a very important role to tell you that he is good or not. If you go to the gynecologist who has not completed his studies from a reputed institute then there may be a huge chance that the gynecologist cannot meet your expectations. This is the last thing that you want to happen and that is why, you should check the college. No one can get the admission in the reputed college without doing hard work and for passing the annual exams also, the learners have to work very hard. In this way, they know all the complexities of the field that makes them perfect.

Can You Afford the Fee?

Ask this question from you as in case, you do not try to know about it, you will find yourself in big trouble. Suppose you are facing some kidney related issues then before going to the doctor, you should know the best kidney transplant in India. To do it effectively, you are suggested to go to more than one doctor or hospital and know their fee. Then, choose the one that asks the reasonable amount and that seems to be the best as well. Never reach to the one who asks unreasonable fee as there are many doctors that perform kidney transplant just to earn money and they do not care about your health.