Category Archives: medical tourism

Reasons India is Becoming the Best Medical Tourism Choice for Kenyans

In the recent years there has been a flow of great number of foreign tourists to India. The maximum numbers of tourists however come from Kenya. India has always had good relations with Kenya be it in financial terms or anything else. While trades from Kenya to India incorporate pop fiery remains, vegetables, tea, cowhide. India has been helping Kenyan patients experience reasonable surgery for Cancer, Orthopedic and Cardiology.

With a regularly expanding number of patients originating from abroad for medical treatment in India, the marvel prominently known as medical tourism or medical travel, healing facilities in India are likewise discovering approaches to pull in more patients from Kenya. Patients from Kenya are always searching for best heart doctor in India, best orthpaedic ( orthopedic) clinics in India, best cancer healing facilities in India, best spine surgery doctor’s facilities, best brain surgery doctor’s facilities in India and best eye doctor’s facilities in India for their medical treatment at moderate costs in India. A hefty portion of the patients in these nations know about the name of the healing centers and therefore they now and then pay special mind to Apollo or Fortis or MIOT in Chennai.


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Top 4 Reason – Why Medical Tourism in India is Growing

Why Medical Tourism in India is Growing

Medical tourism refers to travel of people from one country to another in with the sole purpose of obtaining medical services. Normally, most people travel from less developed countries to highly developed countries for cheap and high-quality medical services. India is known for world-class and high-quality medical facilities which is boosted by good infrastructure and pricing.
Medical tourism in India has been on upward trend making it be a 2 billion dollar industry in the year 2015. 

India medical industry has attracted African patients who regard the service they get in India as value for money. 
Nigerian citizens lead the chart of Africans who seek medical services from India. Other countries that also have their citizens prefer India for medical services are Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Sudan, and South Africa.
The main reason of increase in medical tourism in India by Africans has been mainly noted to be:

1. Low cost of treatment.

The cost of India treatment is very low compared to most of the countries. India provides the same standard of medical service at a low cost compared to developed countries like United States and United Kingdom. Some medical procedures in India are even more than 60% less in cost compared to United States and in Africa. 

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